atypical idea



VerifyMyAPI is a service that allows begining and expert developers to quickly and easily, verify that their API is functionally working as expected. You can step through the process in building a simple test that can be monitored and repeated to ensure that your work is operating.


What can I do with this?

VerifyMyAPI is an intuitive, no-code solution for testing and interacting with various APIs through a simple interface. It automates the process of sending requests and analyzing responses across different methods like GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, and PATCH. Designed for ease of use, it manages the complexities of API testing, providing clear feedback on the performance and accuracy of web services. This tool is ideal for validating the functionality of APIs, ensuring seamless integration and reliable performance without requiring deep technical expertise.

  • Versatile Testing Across Methods: Test API endpoints using GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, and PATCH methods.
  • Automated Error Handling: Efficiently manages and reports any errors encountered during API testing.
  • Comprehensive Response Analysis: Get detailed feedback on APIs responses, data accuracy and format.
  • Quick Validation: Ideal for spot checking functionality of your APIs.

How do I use this?

Designed for anyone, no matter your technical experience, to build quick API tests that can be reused, replicated and monitored. Here is a starter walkthrough of each